Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Keeping Hubby updated

It's 02:30 and I'm still up,nothing new  for me.

Last night I finaly had hubby read my blog. I loaded it onto his homescreen on his phone for easy access. I dont know how many posts he read,but I am eager to find out what his thoughts are.

On another note...we are waiting to hear when our home visit will be. I would love for all of this to be over by month end,but we'll have to wait and see. I just want to dive into nesting mode already!!!

Still on adoption,it seems as though I am having some trouble with family understanding just how unpredictable the process can be. We are trying to prepare ourselves for a long or short wait,but to them it just comes accross as being to focused on it. We'll suck it up,I'd rather be prepared and have everything in place a year in advance than have to run around in 3 days and depend on hand outs!!!

Till next time...

1 comment:

Aneli Gerber said...

Hallo daar,
Baie dankie vir die boodskappie op my blog, ek is so bly dit beteken iets vir jou. Ek het jou blog nou gesit en lees en dit is amazing hoe ons almal met dieselfde vrees en hartseer worstel. Al wat ek vir jou kan se is vasbyt, jou engelkind is oppad. Sy is warm en veilig en sy wag vir jou en haar magie mamma om julle paaie te stap sodat hulle kan kruis en sy huis toe kan kom. Blog en koop die goedjies wat jy so graag wil koop want jou engeltjie is oppad. Sterkte! Aneli